Verian Privacy Notice – Companies/Clients/Hirers

We want you to know the type of information we may hold about you and be transparent about what we may do with this same information, how it is retained and for how long for. This notice lays out what you need to know.

Who we are

Our website address is: Other contact information can be found on the contact page.

What information could we collect from you?

If we have contacted you in a business to business telephone call we will have logged your name, the name of your business or organization, your email address and/or a contact telephone number, your job title, the postal address of your business or organization.

if you haven’t already provided these, we will have gathered this information available on your organisation’s website, other publicly-available resource or by requesting this information from a person in your organisation.

The Personal Data we collect is categorized as contact details.

Please also note that calls may be recorded for quality, monitoring and training purposes.

Why do we collect this information?

We collect this information, for the purpose of marketing our recruitment service to you and any suitable candidates we may have for your vacant job roles. We collect your Personal Data according to our legitimate interests of providing you with information on our recruitment services and any suitable candidates we may have for your vacant job roles

Who might we share your details with?

We will share your Personal Data with British central or local government bodies and their agencies when we are explicitly required to do so by law.

What do we do with your information?

We will use your Personal Data to communicate with you by telephone, email or postal mail to answer any questions, match suitable candidates to your roles.

How long do we keep hold of your information?

We are constantly updating our system with new data as it becomes available. On average the data will be updated every three months but the maximum time it will be held without being updated is 12 months after we last contacted you.

Is your information used for any automated decision making?

We do not process your Personal Data for the purpose of automated decision making.

What are your rights?

You can contact us at and:


    • Ask us to provide a copy of the Personal Data we hold about you.

    • Request that we correct that Personal Data we hold or process.

    • Object to our processing of your Personal Data.

    • Inform us that you want the Personal Data we hold on you erased.

If you are unhappy with our processing of your Personal Data; or our handling of a related request you can complain to the ICO at or contact them by telephone on 0303 123 1113.

You also have the right to take legal action if you are not satisfied with our handling of your Personal Data; or how we deal with a related request.

Will your information be transferred overseas?

No, only cloud based storage is utilised by us with the relevant site security and previous shield standards expected.

What are our contact details?

This Privacy Notice is issued by Verian Business Solutions Ltd

Our principal place of business is at Vernside, 22 Salisbury Drive, Water Orton, Birmingham, B46 1QJ

You can contact us:

By post, using the postal address given above. By telephone, on the contact number published on our website from time to time; or By email using

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